For the UAE’s Golden Jubilee, UAE-born fresh juice maker Barakat and its creative and social agency Havas Middle East collaborated with artists from different emirates to create limited edition juice bottles celebrating the blessings of the UAE. Barakat, which means ‘blessings’, is a proud local brand and the nation’s 50th was the perfect occasion to reinforce that sentiment and highlight the country’s blessings with #BarakatOfTheUAE.

Being all about living fresh, Barakat brought a fresh perspective in celebrating the occasion by choosing to connect with its audience in a disruptive and youthful way. The brand’s National Day approach spoke to the Gen-Z and engaged the country’s youth by asking what they love and celebrate about the UAE. That sparked a social conversation, with people of all ages sharing their personal stories and feelings about the nation.

The juice labels featured designs by artists @abdullalutfi, @nasiimisuncanned and @tarsilaschubert who portrayed the country’s blessings through illustrations of “Ambition” (@nasiimisuncanned), “Belonging” (@abdullalutfi) and “Happiness” (@tarsilaschubert), terms also echoed by many who share the same views of the blessings the UAE offers them.

“Barakat is a proud local brand and given that ‘Barakat’ means blessings, the UAE’s 50th was the perfect opportunity to reinforce the brand’s national pride, by associating the word ‘Barakat’ with the UAE. #BarakatOfTheUAE screams loud and proud ‘we are from here‘ and still celebrates all the country has to offer.”– Serena Abi Aad, Creative Director Havas Creative
Source: Havas Middle East
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