Looking to start a movement that encourages businesses to act and be responsible for their own carbon footprint, Knowvember worked with Boundless to bring to life this innovative campaign with an impactful logo and campaign collateral.
Focussed on the idea of don’t know, don’t buy, Knowvember is about encouraging consumers to be in the ‘know’ about the impact of climate change and what you can do to help support brands that work tirelessly in their pursuit of lowing our carbon impact.
As part of this innovative campaign spanning the month of November, a number of brands including Tenzing, Jude’s, Little Freddie, Dame, Rubies In The Rubble, When In Rome and Ombar, have spearheaded several initiatives that challenge consumers to choose brands that know their carbon footprint, with the hope of this becoming the norm. An iconic future focussed shopping trip to inspire the masses, Boundless developed the movement’s identity and campaign collateral that would help the brands taking part in Knowvember gain traction and support.
The logo and visual identity were created to support the know it, show it, lower it, and locally offset it tagline, with an emblematic arrow created within the identity marque to hero the immediate need to act.
Boundless are proud to have played a part in such a ground-breaking movement and are dedicated to being a part of this positive change.
Source: Boundless Brand Design
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