Building upon significant growth in 2021, Coldpress Juices will be expanding its flavour stable in March 22 to include a Valencian Juice with pulp and their latest ‘Super Juice,’ Rise & Shine, a heady mix of Valencian Orange, Mango, Carrot, Apple & Passion Fruit.

WITH OR WITHOUT PULP? With or without pulp has long been one of the perennial breakfast table debates, but with the growing popularity of good gut health/high fibre diets, it made sense to provide a Coldpress ‘with bits’ option, because pulp, long known for harbouring additional fibre and Vitamin C is also a generous provider of good digestion/anti-inflammatory flavonoids.
TIME TO RISE & SHINE! Coldpress’s latest ‘super juice,’ is an orange-based ‘super-blend’ that showcase’s orange juice’s more extravagant flavour potential, by being the perfect host for sunnier climbs fruit (mango & passion fruit), a trusted orchard staple (apple) and a low sugar allotment hero (carrot).
IMPROVED FRESH PRESS PROCESS: Today, Coldpress consumers are truly reaping the benefits of bespoke Spanish-based production (a purpose-built HPP facility) coupled with closer access to best-in-class ingredients, which has resulted in countless ‘freshly squeezed’ peers being humbled; especially when you spot their tucked away pack copy that owns up to pasteurising! Simply put, Coldpress’ unrivalled capacity to lessen the time-lag between juicing and HPP results in a higher proportion of flavour cues and vitamin C being retained, because the moment you start squishing fruit is the moment you start leaching freshness & vitamins.
According to Coldpress Juice founder, Andrew Gibb, ‘these are certainly two well thought through additions to our buoyant HPP ‘with added vitamins’ offer. Our Pink Lady apple juice has long been celebrated as the pinnacle of premium tier apple juices, so it was important to build upon our full-bodied Orange juice ambitions by focusing upon the 3 core pillars of our business: the best ingredients, an ingredient friendly process (HPP) that rejects debilitating heat-based treatments and an extra dash of essential vitamins to support today’s increasingly hectic lifestyles.’
This Spring will also see stylish revisions to two of the business’s core Super Juices, Thrive & Survive and Mend & Defend, with both recipes meticulously; rejigged (e.g. the addition of ginger & lemon) to create two superior balanced flavour decks with heightened appetite appeal.
Source: Coldpress Juices
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