June’s eagerly anticipated London Festival will herald the arrival of ‘effortlessly effervescent’ Bolle, a revolutionary low & no alcohol, sparkling brewed drink produced with game-changing Zero GradiTM technology devised by Roberto Vanin, scientist, ardent oenologist, wine-loving Italian and former, leading-light Chief Research & Development officer. It was back in 2020 that Roberto first spied an opening to re-energise an under-performing low & no alcohol wine category that had hitherto struggled to enjoy the same levels of mass market approval and plaudit acceptance enjoyed by its low & no alcohol beer and spirit peers, despite being the single biggest piece (56%) in an increasingly vibrant £262m category jigsaw.
Although soundbites like ‘sober curious’ and ‘mindful drinking’ are often bandied about when discussing the low &no alcohol, such frivolous phrases with undoubted faddy undertones don’t do justice to such a self-assured product category that increasingly appeals to growing numbers of millennials who either see non-alcoholic as a positive life choice or who want to adopt a more measured approach when it comes to weekly alcohol consumption. No & Low alcohol is an ‘invigorated’ category that in the UK has grown 506% since 2015, supporting a growing lifestyle shift towards greater alcohol awareness/more conscious drinking habits, a greater wellbeing appetite (improved clarity of mind, enhanced good mental health aspirations) and fast- changing, alternative mid-week/end of day drinking rituals.
According to Bolle founder Roberto, ‘From the outset I wanted to create a fermented drink that not only over-indexed both in terms of taste and sparkling wine aspirations, but coupled seamlessly with great food YET minus the alcohol, unwelcome calories and overt sugary sweetness that has historically held this intriguing product category back. To my mind Bolle offers historically inaccessible levels of sophistication, coupled with smooth, well-balanced acidity and a crisp yet refreshing taste. For too long wine unlike small batch beer has been weighed down by suffocating snobbery and elitism, which has historically stifled category experimentation (low calorie, low sulphur, organic..). Bolle we believe offers the depth of character and enlightened flavour notes to spark a wider appreciation of sparkling wine.’

Bolle Rosa: delicate salmon pink colour, fine bubbles & notes of berries, blackcurrant, toast & herbs
Bolle Ora: once again luxurious fine bubbles coupled with notes of apple, pear, toast & minerals
Brewed in Birmingham, Bolle will be available in both 750ml (£9.99) & 350ml (£3.49), standing tall as a NEW grown-up alternative to timeless sparkling wine, having found a revolutionary way to ferment juices without producing either alcohol or unpalatable sweetness, which is fundamental to the brand’s longer-term success because a growing appetite for low/no abv should never mean short-changing one’s taste buds.
Source: Bolle
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