BURGER KING Launches Its New 100% Clean Desserts With A Poop Emoji Ice Cream

100% free of artificial ingredients, new product looks like 💩 to remind people that (unlike others) it has no 💩 ingredients

Proving to be a brand that stands for real food, Burger King® has recently announced to have ice creams and desserts 100% free of artificial ingredients its menu. To spread the word in a funny and memorable way, the brand introduces a very particular new product created by DAVID São PauloPoop Emoji Ice Cream 💩.  

“Just like we did with the Moldy Whopper, we are using a powerful and memorable visual to make people think about what’s in their food and making a strong point about ours”, says Renata Leão and Edgar Gianesi, Executive Creative Directors at DAVID São Paulo

The new launch is part of Burger King’s push into raising the question of why some food producers still add artificial ingredients to their products, even when today’s consumers don’t want them. The company vows to remove 100% of all artificial ingredients from its sandwiches by 2025. 

Creating the delicious eyes and mouth of the Poop Emoji Ice Cream was one of the most challenging tasks for Burger King. After DAVID came up with the idea for the new ice cream, it took a couple of months to study and prepare for the launch, finding the right supplier able to create them and also make them 100% free from anything artificial. 

“Our goal was to show in a funny way that our product -no matter how it looks- is the cleanest of all. The important thing is what’s inside: a tasty ice cream without artificial ingredients of any kind,” says Juliana Cury, Marketing Director at Burger King Brazil. The product is available this season only. The company is still mulling over whether to make it a permanent item on the menu. 

“It’s better to look like a poop on the outside than to be stuffed with lots of bad ingredients on the inside. This was the rationale behind the development of this cone,” says Rogério Chaves, Creative Director at DAVID São Paulo

The idea of innovation here is in line with that of other DAVID campaigns previously created both for BK and other clients. In January this very year, DAVID Miami also launched Corona Sunbrew, confirming the agency’s talent to go beyond creating campaigns to devising new products. 

Final Credits 

Agency: DAVID 

Client: Burger King Brazil 

Campaign: Poop Emoji Ice Cream 💩 

Global CCO: Pancho Cassis 

Global COO: Sylvia Panico 

Global PR Director: Sandra Azedo 

Creative VP: Rafa Donato 

ECD: Edgard Gianesi, Renata Leão 

Creative Director: Fabrício Pretto, Rogério Chaves 

Creative team: Yan Prado, Israel Medeiros, Raphaela Filippetto, Lucas Menegotto  

Account: Carolina Vieira, Rafael Giorgino, Cacá Franklin, Larissa Zanardi, Carol Cury 

Producer: Fernanda Peixoto, Ana Marques, Letícia Brito 

Editor: Victor Peccia 

Planning: Luciana Mendes, Carolina Silva, Angel Pinheiro 

Media: Marcia Mendonça, Thomaz Chamiso, Leonardo Berenguer, Pedro Graça, Victor Fortes, Guilherme Garcia 

Innovation: Toni Ferreira, Gustavo Nanes 

Social Media: Maike Maio, Marcelo Reis, Victor Goes 

Data Intelligence: Mailson Dutra, Ana Veiga 

Producer Company: The End 

Director: Rodrigo Gusmão 
Sound Producer Company: Jamute 

Musical Producers: James Pinto, Marcos Vaz 

Client Approval: Ariel Grunkraut, Juliana Cury, Daniel Packness, Pedro Laguardia, Marcella Gil 

Source: DAVID São Paulo

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