Deutsch LA & Diamond Nuts Discover the Motivation Behind Baking

37a035c040562ab603003c7f1a93eb72Creative agency Deutsch LA recently indulge in some Nut Fantasy for a new campaign for Diamond Nuts.

While developing this campaign, the duo discovered that people will do a lot simply for praise and compliments alone. Praise serves as a motivator in the work place, for children to behave well and in this case, for moms, spouses and neighbors to bake delicious treats.

To prove this theory Deutsch & Diamond conducted a number of focus groups in Boston and Atlanta, to find out what motivates people to bake.

“Through our research, we learned that our target consumers love to bake for others, not only because they enjoy it but because of the compliments and appreciation they receive in return,” revealed Craig Tokusato, SVP of Diamond Foods. “They [our target consumers] also feel like adding Diamond nuts to dishes makes them extra special.”

d5b7f1f067952e2a7504061b2d18d2a1“The Diamond Nut Fantasies campaign features regular, everyday people saying over-the-top quotes of what they would do in return for some delicious Diamond Nuts baked goods.”

Of all Diamond Nut customers, 66% are women, and across the board, all of our focus groups have found that they bake in large part for the praise and compliments they receive from their partners, kids and neighbors.

Additionally, over a third of the 66% say that they receive more compliments when baking with nuts.

So, if a large portion of people bake just to fish for compliments, this campaign, created by Deutsch LA, shows you just the type of over-the-top praise and gratitude you could be getting if you were baking with Diamond Nuts.

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