Coca-Cola Encourages ‘Acts of Kindness’ at Christmas

Coca-Cola Encourages ‘Acts of Kindness’ at Christmas

Coca-Cola is set to launch a Christmas TV ad this weekend that focuses on acts of kindness, in a wider festive push towards the theme of personalised giving. The “give a little happiness” spot ties in with Coca-Cola’s long-running ‘Open Happiness’ campaign. It features Coca-Cola’s Santa presiding over friends, family and strangers, carrying out various […]

Coca-Cola’s Heart-Warming Video Shows That It’s A Small World After All

The latest advertisement in Coca-Cola’s ‘Open Happiness’ campaign aims to help resolve the long-standing conflict between India and Pakistan. Directed by American advertising company Leo Burnett, the video features two vending machines, equipped with webcams and touchscreens, in India and Pakistan. In the heart-warming video, participants get a free can of soda if they engage in […]