Nespresso Reveals New Brand Campaign Starring the Real Farmers Behind its Exceptional Coffees

Nespresso Reveals New Brand Campaign Starring the Real Farmers Behind its Exceptional Coffees

Nespresso released its latest integrated brand campaign, sharing the personal stories of the farmers behind the exceptional coffees it is known for. The brand invites all coffee lovers to discover the heart-warming stories that have been made possible thanks to Nespresso’s uncompromising choices. The integrated brand campaign by J. Walter Thompson Worldwide launched on September […]

Carlsberg to Achieve Zero Carbon Emissions at its Breweries by 2030 as Part of Sustainability Ambitions

Carlsberg to Achieve Zero Carbon Emissions at its Breweries by 2030 as Part of Sustainability Ambitions

The Carlsberg Group has committed to eliminating carbon emissions and halving water usage at its breweries by 2030 as part of its new sustainability programme – Together Towards ZERO. An intermediate step includes the exclusive use of renewable electricity at its breweries by 2022. Together Towards ZERO is a response to increasing consumer demand for […]

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