HUNTER & GATHER Launch 3 X Unsweetened Keto Ketchups Made With Organic Tomatoes And No Added Sugars Or Sweetners

With an already significant presence in ‘Optimal Health,’ clean-deck condiments, it was only a matter of time before Hunter & Gather entered the ketchup fray with an unsweetened tomato sauce offer (Unsweetened Classic Tomato, Unsweetened Barbecue & Unsweetened Spicy Chipotle) that uses only organic tomatoes and absolutely no added sugars, dates, fruits or sweeteners for sweetening. The innovation comes from using a carefully crafted blend of spices and vinegars to create a tangy trilogy of sauces that are thick and tasty, yet have 79% less sugars than the leading player. 

With traditional, run-of-the-mill Ketchup sales in sharp decline (down £2.2m in sales) and tomato-themed sauces now playing catch-up to mayonnaise in the UK popularity stakes; the moment was ripe for Europe’s first truly ketogenic ketchup (<1g of carbs per serve and 79% less total sugars than the leading ketchup), which also reflect the clean-deck needs of diabetics, Paleo, Gluten-Free and increasingly influential Keto fraternities. 

According to Hunter & Gather co-founder, Amy Moring‘As the leading provider of best-in-class condiments (sugar, grain & seed oil-free), we felt we had a bigger role to play, so responded to our growing tribe & retailer request for a genuine, ‘low total sugar’ tomato sauce without sweeteners. Whilst others might claim that ‘no added sugar’ tomato sauces already exist; a closer inspection of their back-of-pack ingredient decks show an alarming natural sugar presence (around 16.5g of sugar per 100g Vs our 6.6g) from added syrups, sugary fruits or a host of sweeteners that coat the palate. We wanted to provide true innovation whilst also tasting delicious – like we did with our avocado mayonnaise range for the wider condiments category’

With today’s growing appetite for exotic/spicy condiments, with an inviting twang, Hunter & Gather established a range of meticulously balanced yet tangy tomato sauces made with just the right blend of spices, herbs and vinegars, (and absolutely no artificial preservatives, thickeners….) to help ketchup finally shed its uninspiring, ‘staple on the side lines’ image.  

Each of Hunter & Gather’s 3 NEW sauces will appear in the same bold yet evolved identity unveiled earlier this month. 

Source: Hunter & Gather

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