To mark the strangest Christmas in recent history, innocent drinks and creative agency BMB have created a children’s story book that answers the big question on the lips of children around the world: given the events of 2020, how will Santa be able to visit every household, safely and without contravening government rules?
innocent Drinks – A Jolly Safe Christmas from BMB on Vimeo.
In “Will Santa Claus Still Come To Town”, a-less-than-jolly and slightly fretful St. Nick is left pondering how he’ll be able to execute his present-giving duties, imagining a series of fantastically ridiculous alternatives to his usual sleigh-based delivery method, before innocent saves Christmas, by delivering him The Santa Safety Suit; combining ‘hazmat level PPE’ with handy repellant features like ‘sprout-tech’, which emits the wafting smell of everyone’s favourite (or not) festive veg to keep rule-breaking festive revellers at bay, as well as a satsuma pouch in which to store his citrus booty.
The big man is liberated from the fear of infection and flies off into the night sky, safe in the knowledge that, thanks to innocent, Christmas isn’t cancelled.
A tongue-in-cheek short film tells the story in classic Jackanory style before our narrator, who is revealed to be the real Santa, is seen trying on the suit in real life.
Anna Clare, Head of Digital at innocent said “We already make smoothies so Santa Safety Suits were the next obvious move. Great to be able to add ‘saving Christmas’ to our list of achievements this year.”
Matt Lever, CCO at BMB said “It’s not often you get to create a children’s book, stop every kid in the world from crying and completely confuse a costume designer all at the same time. Ho-ho-how much fun is that?”
The innocent story book scenes were drawn by Sally Anderson, a freelance artist and teacher specialising in children’s book illustrations. Sally adds: “I was delighted to get the brief for this project. I have loved drawing Santa and this project has such a positive vibe. This book is a definite uplifter, and was a joy to illustrate – and I can’t wait to share it with my children!”
The film will run on innocent’s social channels including Youtube, Twitter and website from December 16th. As part of the campaign, copies of the illustrated book will be given away in competitions.

Source: BMB
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