Budweiser Super Bowl Ads Score Two Emmy Nominations

Budweiser Super Bowl Ads Score Two Emmy Nominations

Budweiser’s celebrated Super Bowl ads, “Puppy Love” and “Hero’s Welcome,” have received Emmy nominations in the Outstanding Commercial category. “It’s a tremendous honor to be nominated by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences and an even greater recognition to garner two of five nominations in the category,” said Brian Perkins, vice president, Budweiser. “Not […]

Budweiser’s ‘Puppy Love’ Ad Tugs the Strings of Your Heart

Budweiser’s ‘Puppy Love’ Ad Tugs the Strings of Your Heart

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQB7QRyF4p4#t=0 Beer brand Budweiser has released an adorable advertisement for this year’s Super Bowl, and it will definitely warm the cockles of your heart. Titled ‘Puppy Love’, the minute-long ad shows the loving friendship between the iconic Clydesdales horse and a cute 10-week-old puppy. The video, which was produced by ad agency Anomaly, was released […]