VIMTO Urges Everyone To ‘FIND THEIR DIFFERENT’ In New Campaign From Quiet Storm

Vimto is launching a new campaign encouraging everyone to ‘Find Your Different’ – the certain something in each of us that makes us unique – with two new commercials breaking on May 2nd, created by Quiet Storm.

Vimto- Find Your Different from Quiet Storm on Vimeo.

The ‘Find your Different’ campaign is designed to speak to the broader Vimto audience and encompass its wide range of products, announce the new addition of vitamins C and D* to its squash, and champion the individuality of its consumers. The idea is to highlight that finding your uniqueness is a journey of experience, and that this is definitely okay – no matter what age you are. 

In a 30-second commercial called Find your Different, a young woman tries a multitude of different activities from fishing to flying and snowsports to wrestling in search of what makes her different. Both of the ad spots are presented in fun rhyming couplets. 

In ‘Find your Different – now with vitamins C & D’, a 20-second commercial, two young children rock out in a band, build duvet forts and play with a basketball under the watchful eye of their mum. The two ads will run on TV, digital, social and VOD supported by OOH and digital from May 2nd until June 13th, with media placement by Wavemaker.  

Emma Hunt, Marketing Director at Nichols plc, which owns Vimto, said: ‘Our new 2021 campaign is distinctive and refreshingly different just like Vimto, and builds upon our award winning ‘I See Vimto In You’ campaign. We are very excited to partner with Quiet Storm on the launch of our biggest ever communications plan and anticipate a strong consumer response.’

Jon Howard, Planning Partner at Quiet Storm, said: “Vimto is a joy of a brand to work on. Difference is written into its DNA, and with our new campaign we are excited about helping people find their own difference, and to celebrate that journey of discovery with them. Our last campaign helped propel Vimto to its highest sales ever, and with this empowering message we look forward to accelerating that growth.” 

Vimto’s last campaign ‘I See Vimto In You’ – created by Quiet Storm in 2018 – targeted young people who want to be accepted for their individuality with a series of quirky vignettes, each celebrating unconventional individuals expressing their ‘Vimto Spirit’. ‘Find Your Different’ is a natural evolution of its preceding campaign with a similarly bold, idiosyncratic and fun feel.

That strategy was based on the insight that Vimto’s target audience feel under pressure to be something they’re not, when all they really want is to be recognised and accepted for the individuals they are.

*Vitamins C&D are in the following Vimto squash products: Vimto Original, No Added Sugar, Orange, Strawberry and Lime; Mango, Strawberry and Pineapple and Winter Warmer. All squash flavours contain Vitamin D.

Source: Quiet Storm

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