New Research Shows Benefit Of Starting The Day With Fiber-ful Breakfast Cereal

breakfast_cereals_hd_widescreen_wallpapers_1440x900Despite ongoing advice from nutrition professionals, only one in ten Americans get the recommended amount of fiber in their diets.

The good news is that most people say they are trying to eat more fiber and new research published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine shows that one simple step can make a big difference.

According to the study, adults who ate a cereal that included at least 3 grams of fiber for breakfast consumed 42 percent more fiber at breakfast and 14 percent more daily.

“The benefits of fiber to overall health are well known,” said Pat Felt-Gunderson, Kellogg Company senior nutrition marketing business partner, and one of the study authors.

“What is less understood is how easy it is to up our daily fiber intake by simply choosing higher-fiber varieties of the foods we already enjoy, including cereal.”

KELLOGG COMPANY FIBER INTAKESince cereal is a staple in more than 90 percent of U.S. homes, selecting those that include at least 3 grams of fiber is key. Equally important is understanding that whole grain foods often do not necessary include at least 3 grams of fiber.

“Our study supported earlier research findings that this misperception may be fueling Americans’ fiber shortfall,” said Felt-Gunderson.

“Fiber is a nutrient we all need more of, so don’t assume that whole grain foods are meeting these needs; flip to the nutrition facts panel and look for foods that are a good source of fiber with at least 3 grams.”

To help address America’s fiber deficit, Kellogg offers more ready-to-eat cereals that are a good source (3 grams) of fiber and include at least one-half serving (8 grams) of whole grains than any other U.S. food company.

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