Deutsch LA & Diamond Nuts Discover the Motivation Behind Baking

Deutsch LA & Diamond Nuts Discover the Motivation Behind Baking

Creative agency Deutsch LA recently indulge in some Nut Fantasy for a new campaign for Diamond Nuts. While developing this campaign, the duo discovered that people will do a lot simply for praise and compliments alone. Praise serves as a motivator in the work place, for children to behave well and in this case, for […]

Deutsch Indulge in Some Nut Fantasy

Deutsch Indulge in Some Nut Fantasy Deutsch have launched their latest campaign for Diamond, called Diamond Nut Fantasies. Recognizing that the average cook rarely get the praise and appreciation they deserve, this series of YouTube spots plays with the idea that baking them a treat with Diamond Nuts could help people transform to be the husband, neighbor, child and boyfriend […]