Acclaimed British designer Tom Dixon OBE has created The Johnnie Walker Blue Label Capsule Series, which will be previewed at the elegant Teatro Manzoni theatre as part of Dixon’s exhibition at Milan Design Week in April 2017. Inspired by the rarity, craft and heritage of the luxury Scotch Whisky, the exclusive Johnnie Walker Blue Label […]
Drinks design specialist Denomination has unveiled packaging and brand identity for Fazzoletto, a new wine from Piedmont-based wine co-operative Araldica. The challenger brand from Northern Italy has a unique contemporary wine style and is made using revolutionary winemaking techniques, which needed to be reflected in the design. Denomination developed a compelling brand story around the […]
Global design and branding agency Hornall Anderson has redesigned leading dog food brand Harringtons to elevate its natural qualities and British provenance. The new look packs, which will help Harringtons stand out in a crowded category and simplify the shopping experience for consumers, are rolling out across the UK from April. Brand Evolution, Not Revolution […]
British Pepper & Spice is the UK’s leading herbs and spices manufacturer. With a reputation built on supplying retailers with top quality own-label products, the time was right to launch their own brand. They asked Robot Food to help them cook up something sensational. Target audiences were aspirational and time-poor creative cooks – people who […]
The leading brand of beers in Brazil, Skol has been reinforcing its commitment through a message of respect, with initiatives such as “Reposter“, in which eight illustrators were invited to redesign former Skol posters that objectified women. Now the branch launches SKOLORS, a special edition of cans with the various skin colours. In all, six […]
It’s not easy starting a business. 13 years ago, we at Slice were in your shoes. It can be extremely daunting and challenging but if you get it right, also incredibly rewarding and exciting. Being an independent agency means we have the flexibility to work with entrepreneurs and start ups as we understand the challenges […]
Luxury tea company Newby Teas of London, announced the relaunch of its much-loved Newby Classic Tea Bag Collection with stunning new designs, inspired by a priceless textile collection and the theme of craftsmanship. Newby’s multi-award-winning in-house creative team worked in partnership with internationally renowned London branding consultancy Lewis Moberly to develop the new branding – […]
Leading cereal manufacturing experts, Brecks, recently acquired the Honey Monster brand. A well-loved family staple for decades, Honey Monster Puffs commands enormous consumer affection and recognition, but had lost a little relevance. After reducing the sugar content down from ‘red’ to ‘amber’, the next step was a full repositioning and rebrand. Brecks chose Robot Food […]
In recent years, flexible packaging has taken over grocery store aisles, disrupting store shelves as well as the way we consume food and beverages. From baby food to salad dressing and even wine, food and drink items traditionally packaged in non-flexible packaging are changing their rigid ways and making the switch to flexible. What is […]
Vitamins help you stay strong and healthy. Without them, your body can’t work properly. You mainly get vitamins through your diet. But we all live life on the go and our diet is rarely perfect, so it can be hard to get everything you need. Get More has established itself as a leading brand in […]