Today marks the launch of One Good Thing (OGT), an innovative sustainability start-up that has produced the world’s first range of completely wrapperless snack and protein bars in a bid to reduce plastic waste for on-the-go snackers. The ground-breaking new bars are available to buy in build-your-own boxes of six or twelve from One Good Thing’s website. Snack bars are priced at £2.20 per unit on one time purchases or for £1.54 when users sign up for a subscription. Protein bars are priced at £2.50 and £1.75 respectively.

Each bar is made from raw cold-pressed, low-carbon ingredients and coated with a completely edible, 100% natural film, made from a mix of beeswax and other natural ingredients. The clever coating dries hard enough to hold and protect the contents but is thin and soft enough to chew easily.
The edible coating acts as a replacement to a traditional plastic or paper wrapper. Each bar is durable, completely waterproof and won’t disintegrate when wet. The only packaging is the cardboard boxes that the bars are delivered in, which is made of 70% recycled material and is 100% recyclable at home.

The snack bars are available in seven different flavours including Mango & Passionfruit, Strawberries & Cream, Rhubarb & Custard and Cherry Bakewell. There are also seven different varieties of protein bar, including combinations like Apple & Cinnamon, Sticky Ginger, Berry Burst and Butterscotch.
The latest Kantar data shows that sustainability-conscious shoppers now represent almost a quarter (22%) of UK shoppers and spend almost $500 billion in the FMCG market each year.* And according to the charity, WRAP, two thirds of consumers in the UK are concerned about plastic waste**, with many looking to make more sustainable swaps to limit their impact on the environment.

Mike Bedford, co-founder of OGT commented: “The idea for OGT came to me when I was out cycling and saw the sheer volume of snack wrappers. So, I challenged myself to think about how I could resolve the problem for people snacking on the go. Developing the product was the easy bit for me, but building a consumer brand is another thing. That’s why I’ve focused on building a brilliant team that can help launch OGT as a completely new and innovative snacking concept.”
Kieran Stanbridge, CEO of OGT added: “We like to think of our bars as just like eating an apple. When you’re ready to eat one, you can just give it a quick rinse and take a bite. It’s that simple. Our innovation doesn’t just limit plastic waste – it removes it entirely.
We know that consumers are actively trying to make positive changes to their shopping habits to live more sustainably. But trying to tackle the world’s sustainability problems is a tall order for any business. One Good Thing was created, to make it easy to do just One Good Thing to help reduce our impact on the planet.”
For more information and to buy, visit:
Source: One Good Thing
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