This Brilliant Vitamin Water Packaging Has A Spectacular ‘Opening Act’

Vita1Bottled water packaging are usually more convenient than inspiring, but this concept design for VITA, a fictitious vitamin water brand, certainly made us sit up and take notice.

Conceived as a school project by Anastasia Shtern at the British Higher School of Arts and Design in Russia, it consists of a simple bottle with pleasing curves that is topped by a special cap.

A vitamin capsule is held under the cap. When the drinker twists the cap to open the bottle, the capsule is broken and its Vita2colorful fluid content is released into the water below.

When the vitamin hits the water, it turns into beautiful ink-like swirls that is a delight to behold—the aim of this packaging is to offer the consumer a unique, visually stimulating product experience by getting them to mix the vitamin with the water personally.

VITA is available in several flavors, with each one featuring a lovely, eye-catching color.

While VITA is not yet a real product, we would certainly like to see it at our local supermarket in the future.

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