Tofoo Co spotlights speedy suppers in new campaign from Who Wot Why

New work aims to shake misconception that tofu is complicated and time consuming to cook

Yorkshire-based The Tofoo Co aims to tackle tofu’s image problem as a complicated ingredient with a new out-of-home campaign that highlights how quick and easy it is to cook. Also running across social channels and on selected Tofoo’s distribution lorries, the work will launch on June 11th.

Created by agency Who Wot Why, the campaign is based on research by MMR, the global consumer research agency, that found the single biggest obstacle to cooking with Tofoo Co’s organic tofu range is that people don’t know what to do with it.

The research also found that people are “intimidated” by tofu as an ingredient because everything they have heard suggests cooking with it is a long and complicated process that requires special knowledge or techniques.

To combat these misconceptions, the OOH work, which will run from mid-June and throughout the Summer, spotlights that Tofoo – or the “Fast Foo” – is a perfect ingredient for quick, easy evening meals because it can be used straight from its packaging. Some tofu needs to be pressed before use.

The poster and social work drive home this speed through three-word staccato headlines that emphasis that you can cook, eat and still have your evening. “Work-Wok-Wine” reads one, while another says: “Job-Hob-Gob.” The digital posters reinforce the “Fast Foo” message by appearing on a superfast loop that shifts between executions more quickly than normal.

Sean Thompson, COO and Co-Founder of Who Wot Why, said: “In a world where there are headlines of 45 words on a poster, it was all about getting back to the art of poster writing, reflecting the simplicity of the Tofoo product.”

Thryth Jarvis, Head of Marketing at Tofoo, said: “We’re excited to be shaking up expectations in the category with our new ‘Fast Foo’ campaign. We love the use of simple, relatable headlines that communicate the quick transition from box to wok to table.”

The Tofoo Co brand initially launched with a bright and bold look and feel that shook-up the category conventions of the time. According NIQ data for the 12 weeks ending February 24, 2024, it is the second biggest player in the meat-free market after Quorn, and is the category’s fastest growing brand.

Taking cues from style and colours used in its packaging, the campaign uses a paired-back neutral colour and bold, simple photography that build the story of simplicity and ease.

Source: Who Wot Why

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