An App That Lets You Swap Leftovers to Prevent Food Wastage

LeftOver2Seattle-based Dan Newman and his business partner, Bryan Summersett have developed an app that lets you share your leftovers with strangers.

They developed Leftover Swap and it is an ingenious way of swapping meals with people around your neighborhood.

Using the idea of couch surfing, where you can share your apartment with a stranger, Newman and Summersett take it to another level by allowing individuals to share food.

In a quote by Newman, he says that “It’s obviously not for everybody, but for as many people who seemingly have a problem with it, there’s people who love the idea.”

This is how it works: if you were to have some leftover pizza that you would like to trade or put up for grabs, you may snap a photo of it and post it to the app. Strangers in the vicinity can then pick up that pizza from you.

According to the founders, the environmental concern is a big part of the reason for their app.


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