McDonald’s Re-enacts FIFA World Cup Highlights Using French Fries

McDonald’s has launched its latest World Cup campaign in the form of FryFutbol, a painstaking re-enactment of key moments from every match in the tournament using nothing more than french fries.

Proving that when the chips are down, the stomach is the quickest route to consumers hearts the campaign recreates the goal keeping heroics of the USA’s Tim Howard in the team’s titanic struggle against Belgium – sing nothing more than a thin sliver of fried potato, dressed in a star spangled cape to top the scrunched up tinfoil ball.

The wordless shorts have been designed for global consumption with McDonald’s thoughtfully adding cartoon eyes to the edibles in a bid to recreate some of the key personalities from the field.

Conceived in partnership with Facebook’s creative team and visual effects experts Framestore, the campaign ties in with a real-world re-design of medium and large packs of French fries featuring 12 World Cup inspired designs.

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