This summer Stella Artois is dethroning the OG red party cup and helping people everywhere upgrade their summer celebrations with the debut of its new Red Stella Cup.
From backyard barbecues to brilliant beaches, the Red Stella Cup is perfect for all those “no glass allowed” moments that make summer, well, summer. Flip to a red cup with a stem, but make sure to write your name on it so no one snags it for the next summer hang because these cups are durable enough to last party after party.

Sold you say? Be one of the first 1,000 to visit here and a 6-pack of Red Stella Cups is yours for free. All you’ll need to do is crack open a cold Stella, fill one up, and enjoy.
“This summer we’re all about empowering our consumers to enjoy everyday moments just as much as they would on vacation, and nothing says ‘vacation’ more than time spent enjoying the outdoors with friends and family,” said Peter Van Overstraeten, VP, Premium & Super Premium Brands, Anheuser-Busch.

“That’s why we decided to make the Red Stella Cup, the summer upgrade we all deserve. Quality beer in a quality party cup perfect for the outdoors – what’s not to love?”
Fingers weren’t fast enough to snatch a free set? Not to worry, Red Stella Cups are also available for purchase here. Roll into your weeknight hang with a 6-pack of Red Stella Cups for the price of $10.00, or grab a full party pack of 24 for $30.00. You can count on it being a game changer, literally.
Whether you’re sipping poolside with friends or enjoying long summer nights, we want to see these Red Stella Cups in action. Pour a Stella, lift one up, snap a photo and share using @StellaArtois and #RedStellaCup.
Source: Anheuser-Busch
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