Since 1959, Cornetto has been talking to teens about love through actors pretending to fall in love. But, for their 60th anniversary this year, they decided to help the actors fall in love for real.
‘Making of Love’ is a true love story that was hatched with a match-making plan. With help from LOLA MullenLowe, Cornetto started with a massive casting call with over 100 teens vying for the starring roles. But this time they weren’t looking for actors, they were looking for soulmates.
The Unilever-owned brand asked each of them dozens of questions to find what they had in common and then used their answers to customise the entire production to help love happen.
The outcome is a recorded history of how real love is born, beautifully captured from the very first time they see each other and peppered with the most tender moments between them. For teens, finding love can be hard, but Cornetto has always been there to help break the ice and make it a lot less awkward.
‘Making of Love’ will air online starting in May on Cornetto social channels and the TVC airs on May 20th across Italy.
Source: Little Black Book
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