The popular Bud Light Lime-A-Rita franchise continues its expansion by introducing Lemon-Ade-Rita, a new summer seasonal flavour joining the Rita brand. As consumer demand for convenient cocktail solutions and more delicious flavour variants in the Rita family increases, Bud Light continues to demonstrate the unique ability to introduce new, great tasting and flavourful drinks to […]
This summer, Bud Light is bringing back “Whatever, USA,” a three-day celebration that the company says gives beer drinkers who are up for whatever the chance to experience the “weekend of a lifetime.” Following their “House of Whatever” at Super Bowl XLIX in Phoenix earlier this year, the brand plans to keep the fun going […]
At Chinese New Year celebrations all around the world, cries of ‘gan bei’ rang out as revellers encourage each other to literally ‘dry their glass’. Keen to join in the party, Heineken and Dublin-based agency Rothco also celebrated the arrival of the Year of the Ram with a simple yet smart idea that saw two […]
Brand and packaging design agency Bulletproof announces details of its work for Heineken in creating new packaging and a visual identity system celebrating the brand’s sponsorship of the 2015 UEFA Champions League. Bulletproof has designed new primary and secondary packaging for this event, as well as creating a complete visual identity system to flex across […]
Angry Orchard announced the national release in the US, of its first-ever hopped hard cider, Angry Orchard Hop’n Mad Apple. The cider makers drew inspiration for this new cider from a traditional craft beer ingredient – hops – to develop a cider that combines subtle floral and tropical fruit notes from Strisselspalt and Galaxy hops […]
Creative agency Sedley Place has created the launch identity for Woodland Radicle Brands’ newest brand Xilli, a spirit drink that “re-ignites Aztec traditions and flavours.” The cornerstone of the new identity is a design based on the ancient Aztec calendar stones with a sun god at the centre. The motif, which was especially drawn by […]
Danish brewer Carlsberg may be switching its iconic glass bottles to the “world’s first fully biodegradable bottle” for its products. The company is currently working on the “Green Fibre Bottle,” a lighter packaging that is made from sustainably sourced wood-fiber. Unlike the previously featured ‘PaperBoy Wine’ bottles made from recycled cardboard packaging, Carlsberg’s bottles will […]
As one of the largest supporters of soccer in the U.S., Heineken understands the plight of fans nationwide during the UEFA Champions League (UCL). Whether it’s sneaking out to a pub during lunch, or overhauling your calendar on weeknights, more than half of U.S. fans 21 and older report facing major hurdles when trying to […]
Whether or not it’s the ‘Mad Men Effect’ is up for debate, but the world is increasingly excited about whisky, particularly single malt Scotch. Aficionados and connoisseurs will therefore welcome the news that Mortlach, one of the finest single malts to come out of Scotland, will be launching a variant especially for travellers: Mortlach Special […]
Pizza Hut is revamping its London stores to feature in-house cocktail bars, as it seeks to claw back sales from more trendy restaurants such as Nando’s and Pizza Express. The pizza chain is ploughing a multimillion-pound investment into turning around its fortunes, beginning with the revamp of its store on The Strand, in a bid […]